Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Shopping!!

Christmas shopping is something that I usually get done way before now, but this year it didn't happen that way. So 2 of my 3 girls and I headed out yesterday with our Christmas lists in hand and a plan to get our shopping done in one day!  Yes, we were a bit hopeful, but we managed to get done and in record time!

I remember when my girls were little and getting through a store especially at Christmas time was difficult at best, but now my girls are almost grown and shopping is different now. Well, in all honesty, life is different.

One of my very wise friends made it a point to tell me to embrace every age that they are in, and live in the moment. I thank God every day for my friend and her very wise advice. I love this stage of life, and the one that came directly before it, and I know that I will love the one that comes directly after this one. I look at these young ladies that are forming right in front of my eyes and I know that I am blessed by God. Don't get me wrong, every stage of life has it's hardships, but every stage also has it's blessings. The blessings are what I choose to focus on.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I hate to shop....but not yesterday. Yesterday might have been one of my favorite days of the year so far. We ran into grumpy shoppers, we got our fair share of dirty looks, and cart bumps from the stressed out Christmas shoppers we shared our day with, but for us it was wonderful! We were together, singing Christmas Carols and worship songs focused on others. Yep! It was a great day!

Oh, by the way!!!!!  We also tried something new! These will be ornaments that we can gift. I will let you know how it turns out.

Merry Christmas!

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