Tuesday, April 26, 2016

YWAM Publishing: Heroes of History-Abraham Lincoln Review ~ TOS Crew

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Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}For this review we received Heroes of History: Abraham Lincoln: A New birth of Freedom by Janet & Geoff Benge - which is a physical book.  We also received a downloadable version of the  Abraham Lincoln Unit Study Curriculum Guide .  The paperback book is 224 pages of wonderful historical biography! Do you have any historical biography lovers in your house? I have a house full of true historical biography lovers in my house and that is why I am so glad to have found the Heroes of History series!
As a homeschool parent, I have tried to do my best at pointing my children towards true examples of heroes to my children. I have found it so refreshing, especially in today's society, to find quality literature that shows the true character of figures we have only seen in history books. YWAM Publishing is a company that provides a true example of Christian Classic Educational material.
The Downloadable Unit Study Curriculum Guide includes the following areas of study:

  • Student Exploration
  • Social Studies
  • Community Link
  • Related Themes to Explore
  • Biography of Related Resources
  •  A section for additional projects
How we used this product:

My daughter is an eighth grader and is winding down in the school year....eeek!  I can hardly believe that my baby is getting ready to head into high school! As lovers of early American history, we were so excited to review this product. She was able to read through the book rather quickly and worked through the comprehension questions for each chapter. She really enjoyed learning interesting little tidbits about Abraham Lincoln.

We went on vacation a few years ago to Lexington, Kentucky and took a tour of the Mary Todd Lincoln house. I believe that helped her be even more interested in this study. During the tour we learned some facts about Abraham Lincoln that she found in the book as she read. I love it when that happens!!

My bottom line:

This is not my first YWAM Publishing product and I am quite confident that this won't be my last. Last fall we had the opportunity to review Heroes of History:Orville Wright, and most recently we had the distinct privilege to review Heroes of History:Abraham Lincoln. I have to say that we have absolutely loved this study. I think what we found to be the most wonderful part of this book is the fact that it isn't just a list of facts and dates to remember, but you truly get to know the person you are studying.  That is why I am so glad that there are so many to choose from. Check out all the books in the Heroes of History series, you will be so glad that you did. Click here to see all the books in the series.

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Christian Heroes {YWAM Publishing Review}

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