Friday, July 29, 2016

Reading a Compass...

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Now I have had several opportunities to navigate myself with the use of a compass. Believe is not as easy as it looks! In fact it took me multiple attempts to get to the correct coordinates. I have seen a compass used efficiently by others, and I have to say it makes me feel a little jealous! :-)
The biggest problem I found was that it was extremely troubling to me that I had no clue whatsoever where the coordinates were taking me until I got there. I just felt that there should be more information included in my you know what I mean? Give me some landmarks that will help me see as I walk along that I am on the right path!  Just a few little clues for goodness sake!!
Sometimes I get that same feeling as I am trying to do my best to follow the will of God. I start desiring more information about my final destination. I get my eyes off the Lord and onto my surroundings and then I start to imagine where I should be instead of where I am....Can any of you relate to me with that one??
Matthew 14 shares a similar story about Peter. He saw Jesus walking on the water and says, "If it's really you Jesus, then ask me to come." Jesus in turn tells him to come. We know that he began to walk on the water and got his eyes off the Lord and the saw the storm around him. In that moment, he stopped moving forward. He began sinking instead. Then Jesus had to rescue him and take him back to the boat.
I don't want my journey stunted. I want to keep moving forward in faith. Pray this prayer with me. Pray that God will continue to fill you with faith for the journey ahead!
Lord, I praise you! You are a God that never fails me even when I fail you. I pray that you continue to grow my faith. Help me to keep my eyes firmly on you. Don't let my faith waiver. I know that you have great things in store for me and I don't want to miss it. Help me keep my eyes off my surroundings. Don't let the troubles I come up against seem larger than where you are taking me. Continue to make and mold me into who you want me to be. Help my life radiant your love as I walk out your plan and purpose! May everything I say and do impact your kingdom for eternity.

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