Wednesday, July 13, 2016

ArtAchieve: Entire Level II Review ~ TOS Crew

Art Lessons for Children ArtAchieve Review

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Art Lessons for Children ArtAchieve Review

As a homeschool parent I have found myself stressed at times over all kinds of things. I'm sure some of you can understand what I'm talking about. I have stressed over making sure I get just the right core curriculum that works for each of my girls. I have stressed over whether or not they are making friends. I have stressed over worksheets, attendance, gradebooks, co-ops, and probably anything else that you could think of.....including Art. I believe that art class is an important part of a child's education and something that should be included in their studies even through high school, the problem is this.....I am not ARTISTIC!! I am slightly crafty, but not artistic. If my children's creativity was dependent on my ability to draw a cat....they would be sunk! So imagine how excited I was to have the opportunity to review ArtAchieve Entire Level II.

Art Lessons for Children ArtAchieve ReviewWith ArtAchieve you can absolutely learn to draw the world! Art class in my house used to consist of a picture of a project and a list of directions. Sometimes we were successful, and sometimes.....well......not so much!! LOl!  ArtAchieve Level II is more than a list of projects with directions. What you find when you open up each lesson is a comprehensive art class complete with printables, a video, and a powerpoint. My girls and I absolutely loved it! You are able to work through the project at your own pace and the instructions whether via powerpoint, or video are easy to understand.

My oldest daughter loved using the powerpoint as the

instruction for the art class. She likes to do things step by step as she works her way through the process. She reads quickly and comprehends what she reads by thinking abstractly and didn't find the need to use the video. She tends to be much more artistic than myself. 
My youngest daughter loved using the video lesson. She doesn't think abstractly as much as her sister. She needs to see it and hear it at the same time. Then she is able to fully comprehend what is expected of her. So for me, this was AMAZING! It was the best of both worlds which was exactly what this homeschool needed!!

I found the versatility of ArtAchieve Level II to be fantastic! The lessons in Level II can be for anyone grades 1 through adult. So for homeschool families with children at different grade levels, you are able to use the same lesson for each child! That is a wonderful gift when it comes lesson plans! 

I found this product to be easy to use and fun for my girls. That isn't always easy when it comes to art. Not only was it something that we could all do together as a family.....but it was something that we could all DO! There wasn't anyone feeling left out or "thumbsie" like they weren't talented or crafty enough to complete the lessons. They also learned some history behind the project as well. ArtAchieve Entire Level II is a top-notch product that I would recommend to anyone in need of homeschool art curriculum.

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To see more reviews about ArtAchieve 
Entire Level I, II or III 
click below
Art Lessons for Children ArtAchieve Review

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