Monday, September 21, 2015

We are the Light

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As I was reading my Bible today these verses kind of jumped off the page at me. I think the part that seemed to jump out the most was the verse that says, (Live as children of the light and find out what pleases the Lord.) We are told to live as children of the light and to find out what pleases the Lord.......
Recently, I have been increasingly consumed with what would be pleasing to the Lord. In my own time with God, I have found myself being challenged more and more. I have been digging into the Word of God more, and have been challenged in my prayer time as well. I can tell that He desires a closer relationship. He desires to be a part of every part of my life. He desires ME........EVERY part of me.  He desires that I live a life that reveals His true nature to those around me. You see.....He loves the lost. He wants us to love on those around us, so we can tell them about Him!  It is our mission to reach the lost.....tell them about our great and mighty filled with the fruit of the spirit and let it overflow into every part of our lives!
How exciting is that? He has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light, and then asks us to help others do the same. We live in a world that is lost in the darkness and they can't find the way out. They are bumbling around searching for something that will bring clarity........We have it! We are the light of God to the world around us. So, don't be afraid to speak up. Don't hold back. Don't keep your light to yourself!!
He also tells us to find out what pleases can we do that?
Don't miss your time with God. Seek Him......
Deuteronomy 4:29 says, "But, if from there you seek the lord you God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul."
There is no time for us to be complacent, there are souls that are hanging in the balance.....and the best part is THIS...we have the light they need!!!

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