Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Which Direction Are You Going?

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A couple of weeks ago the city began some road work right outside of my neighborhood. We had heard for the past couple years that there was going to be a traffic circle at the intersection near our home, and the time has finally come!! The roads are blocked, detours are in place and huge machinery is everywhere!  This road work means that we are cut off from our normal way of getting from here to there. With the intersection completely blocked, you have to think ahead of time exactly where you're going, because you will use a different exit from the neighborhood depending on where you are headed!! With all the detours we have been finding ourselves needing to go the wrong way, to go the right way!  Have you ever found yourself in that situation in your life??
For example, the other day we were needing to go west, but had to first head south, then catch a road east and head that way for awhile before being able to catch another road south before catching a road heading west. Confusing, huh?!  It was this particular day that one of my kids asked why we were going the wrong way.

As I was explaining the reason why, I realized the similarity to this situation in our spiritual life as well. Sometimes, God may put up roadblocks in our life. The roadblocks keep us from harmful areas that we need to stay away from. You know that we are not supposed to move the roadblocks, and even if we did we aren't to try to drive our car through there because the road is torn out......so why do we try to move the roadblocks aside in our spiritual life instead of taking the detour?
We need to trust His Word when he says, "The Lord works out everything to its proper end" Proverbs 16:4
My God has proven Himself to me time and time again. I don't need to worry, I know that He has designed my path and He knows the big picture! He will teach us what is best for our lives, we just need to listen to what he has to say and then steer clear of the roadblocks!
Isaiah 48:17 "This is what the Lord says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."
So, stay clear of the roadblocks that God has put into place in your life. The areas that are blocked are for your safety and well-being. God has a plan for your life and we can trust Him. His love is perfect.....His plans are perfect!



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