Monday, August 22, 2016

By His Stripes...

Recently I watched The Passion of the Christ again. I hadn't seen it since it had first come out and to tell you the truth, I didn't really want to watch it again. Not because I didn't like it, I just really found that movie so incredibly hard to watch because they did an amazing job of helping us "see" what the Bible describes about the crucifixion.

Sometimes I think we find the extreme sacrifice He made for us so distasteful to our flesh that we try not to think about it. We hide it away inside our minds and label it simply a Bible story and go on with our day to day life, content to busy ourselves with things that don't matter for the sake of eternity.

So as I sat watching this movie with my family, I realized that we should all do what we can to always remind ourselves of the sacrifice that was made for us! Jesus chose to be battered and bruised. He chose to do His Father's will even when it was painful and humiliating! He became the Savior of the world because He wanted to make a way for you and me to spend eternity with Him in heaven!

So...even though I didn't really "want" to watch the movie again, I am very glad I did. A renewed perspective of the magnitude of His sacrifice is always good for us.

So today I ask that you remind yourself just what Jesus did for you. ..and live your life to make a difference for the kingdom of God!

Thanks for reading!

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