Monday, August 8, 2016

150 Day Challenge

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Do you have family devotion time in your home? Ours has looked different through the years. It seems that the older my girls get and the more they does our family devotions.  

Recently I was reading a blog from His Mercy is New In this blog entitled 150 Days in the Psalms she shared the powerful ways that God spoke to her as she read through Psalms, and it gave me a great idea! I thought it would be great to make the 150 Day in the Psalms into a challenge for my girls and I.

So, I spoke with my girls and we decided that starting August 1st, we would begin reading one Psalm a day. Since we all stay connected via social media these days, I challenged them to create a verse image each day and post it in a message to us all.

I loved watching the verse choices of my girls, and loved talking with them about the reasons why they made their selections. From the moment that the images started coming in, my heart was enriched. 

I know that we are just a little over a week into this challenge, but I have enjoyed this challenge so much, and am looking forward to seeing how this impacts us over the next several months. 
I am so thankful that Candace took the time to write the blog, but she also has a few other items on her website, so you should head over and check it out. You can download the calendar, an ebook, and more.

Thank you for reading!

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