Monday, August 31, 2015

Dig-It! Games: Roman Town (iOS App) Review - TOS Crew

Dig It! Games Review

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Several weeks ago, I got a chance to review the iOS App from Dig-It! Games called Roman Town, and I have to say it was a big hit in my house!
Dig It! Games ReviewIn this game, a character named Ladrone, a master thief, is on the loose! You explore Pompeii, play games and solve puzzles as you try to find this thief. You solve other mini-games as you work your way through Pompeii, and each one is masterfully crafted to get you thinking, and keep you thinking. As you gather clues, each one will bring you closer and closer to stopping Ladrone once and for all.

The Features Include:

• 30+ puzzles you can play over and over
• Track and stop Ladrone, the master thief
• Ancient Roman games
• Detailed facts about life in Rome
• You get to explore Pompeii
• Free to download
• Problem solving & and critical thinking skills 
• Immersive learning
As you begin your adventure in Roman Town, you will be immersed in a unique learning experience that does an amazing job at blending history and puzzle solving into a fun and challenging grand adventure! The game is non-stop and engaging. You will be challenged by mini-games that make you think outside the box. It will continue to stretch your thinking in multiple ways: strategic thinking, spatial reasoning, memory, logic, math skills, and much, much more.  
Dig It! Games Review
I don't know about your kids, but sometimes my kids really need a break from the traditional methods of learning. That is why I am so glad for companies like Dig-It! Games and their ability to bring game-based learning (GBL) into our home. Educational apps like Roman Town create unique and fun learning experiences that can be just what the homeschool mom ordered!!!

Dig It! Games Review
Learning games are a great way to enhance critical thinking and problem solving methods in your child, not to mention the fact that it also improves your their ability to work independently. We all love that!!

Dig It! Games ReviewHow we used it:

As soon as my girls downloaded and got into the game, they were at it non-stop. Luckily for me school had not yet begun.....well.....I guess that is lucky for them!!  ha ha ha!
It was so fun listening to them talk back and forth excitedly with each other as they progressed through the mini-games, and puzzles. Everytime they had a free moment they were getting back onto the game to try to beat it!
Dig It! Games Review

My Bottom Line:

It was a winner in my book! This is such an informative and fun game. The knowledge my daughters gained as they played through Roman Town was an added bonus! I took some time to ask each of them their opinion on the game. One of my daughters is in high school. She said, "It was really fun. It kept your attention throughout the entire game, and I found that I learned more than I thought I would!" My other daughter is in middle school. She had this to say about the game, "It was fun. I enjoyed it." Can you tell which one of them is more talkative? LOL!
Dig It! Games Review 

Dig-It! Games Review

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