Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fresh Beginnings in 2015

John Calvin said it right when he said, "However many blessings we expect from God, His infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes and our thoughts."

What a great statement!  How exciting! What that says to me, is that I serve a God that desires to bless me. I serve a God that looks for ways to be liberal with what He pours into my life.  I serve a God with limitless power to work in my life! However; It also says that my blessings may also be limited by my lack of expectation! How often do we continue in a situation without even praying about it? More times than we would care to admit probably!

January 1st is here, which means we are starting a new year!  2015 has begun!  With the fresh beginning of a new year, we also have a renewed opportunity to serve Him. That is something we should greet today with excitement! I, myself want this year to be full of new things personally and spiritually.

One of my friends gave me a planner for Christmas this year. I sat down to fill it out for the year, and I have been so excited going through it. There are places for monthly goals, weekly priorities, prayer focuses, scriptures, etc. Just as your checkbook register says where your heart is and what you care enough to invest in, so does your calendar. Your calendar will show what you cared enough about to invest the precious resource of your time in. This coming year, I want my time spent to show the status of my heart more than ever before. So I have been filling out this calendar with care and with the realization that I desire to see God do amazing things in and through me. I expect to see God move in an even more powerful way. I am setting goals and making notes with anticipation and expectation.....I believe God wants us to always put our hope and trust in Him.....

Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence."

One of my very dear friends picked a word last year to live her life by. She shared with me some of her realizations as she walked that out. Hearing those stories impacted me in such a way that I decided to choose a word for 2015.  My word to live by in the new year is...."Intentionality"

So as I launch head first into 2015, I plan to do it with intention. I invite you to come with me on this journey to realize the wonder of living with intentionality. As you pursue God with intention in every area of your life, His blessings will be evident in your life!

Many blessings in 2015!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my planner. I use a different style every year. Keeps things interesting and fun. My friends know if they want me to remember something, "Write it in your planner!" LOL Have a Blessed 2015!