Have you ever felt like you had no more strength? I am not just talking about having a rough day at work, or even a rough week. I mean the kind of exhaustion that occurs when a life experience sucks the very air out of your lungs while simultaneously causing complete muscle failure... I have! I would like to say that it only happened one time, but I have had quite a few moments like that in my life. It was during one of those times in my life that I was talking with a friend of mine, and discussing the fact that I was at the end of my strength and she responded in a way that surprised me at first. She said, "Great! That is just the place God wants you to be! Now He will be free to do just what He needs to do!" What!?
Hopefully, you have a friend like that! That was just the reminder I needed to turn my thinking around. Why is it that we continually think that we are "in control?"
I taught two of my daughters to drive. :-) That is a story all by itself!! The hardest part of teaching my sweet girlies to drive was when they thought they knew better than me. Have any of you been there? I mean seriously, they were only 4 days into this new, dangerous endeavor and they knew better than me??! LOL!! When they were trying to do things their own way, they were unteachable!! I imagine I did the same thing to my parents. In fact, I know that I have done the very same thing to God. I don't want to be unteachable!!
So, what is the key? How do we keep our minds and hearts focused on God during times of crisis? I sure wish it was easy, but it takes intention. We have to take our eyes off the immediate and realize that we are nothing without God.
These verses in Psalms highlight to me how important it is for me to stay focused on His Word. When I submit to God, he is able to guide me and give me counsel.
~ 3 Girls, My Guy, and I
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