I don't know about the rest of you parents, but sometimes I find parenting to be the biggest challenge of my life. My entire goal is to point my kids to Christ. . .but sometimes I find myself stumbling over . . . .well. . . .myself. The imperfections of my humanity can cause me to "feel" like I am less than, or flawed beyond purpose. Some of you may know exactly what I'm talking about. So, I have to push my feelings aside and rely on the truth of God's Word.

Life will always throw us curve balls and obstacles that we don't know how to get around, but God's Word remains. It is so important to hide it in our hearts so we can become more and more like Christ.

I have loved watching God do great things in and through my girls as we have been participating in this challenge together. God's Word is active and alive and is a necessary part of our walk with God. So, if it's been awhile for you, put down your remote and take out God's Word...He wants to speak to you!
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